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Welcome to the homepage of Montreal Muslim News, which was launched on June 5, 2002 and which takes the place of the Montreal Muslims news list formally with Yahoo! This page is based on the general theme of "Because you have a right to know." We believe information is both a right, which should not be held from anyone, and is a must so that people can empower themselves to become more effective in their quest for a more just society.

This page is meant to both inform and empower the readers. We seek to inform you of what is taking place primarily in Montreal and Canada, but also the world at large regarding those issues which have an impact on the Muslim community and also humanity as a whole.

In addition, we support those social justice movements, whether they are Muslim or not, which are seeking to free humanity from the shackles of oppression and tyranny, and we applaud those brave souls all over the world who are struggling for freedom and self determination. We hope this page will give them some kind of voice to be heard.

We hope you return to this page often and find the information contained herein helpful, and also appreciate your valuable comments and submissions. Please also read our June 5, 2002 maiden editorial to get a clearer view of our motivations and goals at: http://www.montrealmuslimnews.net/consequences.htm 


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