Islam, Muslims and the West

© Dr. Samir Abed-Rabbo* - Posted Nov 20, 2006

The recent prepared remarks by Pope Benedict XVI regarding Islam and its Prophet have angered Muslims. These remarks seem to be part of a larger campaign that is being waged in the West by some Christians and Jews to defame Islam, to discredit its historical figures, and to bring about a clash of civilizations.

Two days prior to the Pope’s unfortunate remarks, a local rabbi published a letter to the editor in the Dallas Morning News, a major American newspaper, expressing an identical thought pattern regarding Islam and Muslims. The same newspaper has, for years, been publishing columns, editorials and letters scathingly attacking Islam and Muslims. In fact, one of its editors seems to have been retained for this purpose. Unfortunately, attacks on Islam and Muslims have not been limited to the Pope, a lone rabbi, a sole American newspaper or to a single editor. The campaign against Islam and Muslims has been extensive and waged in the West on all levels for decades.

Islam and Muslims under attack

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, I began noticing an increasing preponderance of reports, speeches, editorials, columns, and books aimed at discrediting Islam and Muslims.** It has been argued that the West***, particularly the United States of America, needs an enemy to justify its ever increasing spending on defense and its ongoing offensive military posture. In the early nineties, the West, after entertaining the idea of China and a revived Russia, settled on Islam as the perceived enemy. As an idea, the threat of Islam would be easy to obscure and difficult to quantify. Once the dust settled, think tanks, propagandists, politicians, academics, clergy, artists and others went to work to establish Islam as public enemy number one and to demonize Muslims. In a few years, this effort morphed into a concerted effort against Islam and Muslims lead by Israeli intelligence operatives and academics, entrenched pro-Israeli Jewish and Christian personalities and groups, members of the US defense business establishment, Western conservatives and nationalist politicians and political parties, and "Muslim" defeatists and accommodationists. In the US, this effort joined forces with evangelical Christian zealots who are actively preaching the theology of Armageddon to form the neoconservative movement. The efforts of this movement culminated in the election of President Bush in 2000. Certainly, the role of inept, corrupt, and repressive regimes in the Islamic World has significantly contributed to the success of the neoconservatives. Long before 9/11, the attacks on Islam and Muslims intensified and new terminologies were devised and used to describe Islam and Muslims as, among others, violent and fascist. Never mind that the entire Western Civilization has been built and financed by the resources, sweat and blood of the innocent people in the South, including the Islamic World and that Israel was created by the West in Palestine in 1948 for merely existing there for a brief period in the distant past- assuming that the Jews of today and those of David and Solomon time are the same. The bashing of Islam and Muslims aims at creating an environment in the West to justify Israel’s continued occupation and oppression in Palestine, exploiting Muslim natural resources, and launching military campaigns against potential rebellious "Muslim" regimes.

In post 2000 and 2004 elections in the USA, vilifying Islam and Muslims has increasingly become the norm. Most recently, just prior to the Pope’s remarks, President Bush joined the cabal declaring the war on terrorism as being waged against "Islamic fascists" who seek to destroy our freedoms. Earlier, President Bush weighed in with his expert opinion and attack on the Islamic system of Caliphate. President Bush’s remarks, repeated 15 times, obviously fed to him by his neoconservative handlers, are akin to the rulers of Saudi Arabia, Pakistan or Libya questioning the validity of the office of the Presidency as enshrined in Article II of the constitution of the United States of America. Simply, it does not compute! This attack on the Islamic system of Caliphate was echoed in a highly organized fashion on the waves and the printed media by people like David Brooks of The New York Times and Bill Crystol of The Weekly Standards. Is the use of similar terminology to attack Islam coincidental? Is the President’s expert opinion on Islam worth parroting? The attack on Islam and Muslims is not accidental. It is highly organized and correlated to serve political objectives.

The US in particular, and the world in general, in the wake of 9/11, had an obligation to track down, apprehend and bring to justice those responsible for this heinous crime. In my opinion, those responsible for this crime include the very American officials who abandoned their responsibilities to protect the country and its citizens and allowed this crime to take place. The US and the rest of the world had a golden opportunity to deal a blow to terrorist individuals, regardless of religion, country of origin, and ethnic background, and to ensure that similar crimes did not occur. Many Muslim individuals, organizations and countries joined in this effort. Yet, the Islamic faith and the absolute majority of the approximately 1.2 billion Muslims find themselves being maligned. Was 9/11 the reason or the cause for the attacks on Islam and Muslims? A closer look at the historical record reveals that this campaign began long before 9/11. If this is the case, then one can safely argue that we are witnessing the Crusade revisited. This Crusade differs than the previous two campaigns against Islam and Muslims in these important aspects: the role of some influential Jews, organized Jewish institutions and Israel. Along with Muslims, Jews bore the brunt of the two previous Crusades. In this Crusade, Pro Israeli Jewish individuals and institutions as well as the Israeli establishment have been spearheading all efforts to torpedo the relations between Muslims and the West. By creating a clash between the West and Islam, the pro-Israel Cabal aims at accomplishing short term advantages: forgo inevitable changes to Israel’s Apartheid system, consolidate its grip on Palestine and establish its hegemony on the region. As a Zionist principle, this Cabal believes that the West is incurably anti-Jewish, but it sees the opportunities accorded to it to use the might of the West to achieve its objectives. If the West is to turn on Israel or the campaign against Islam turns to include Israel and the Jews, Israel possesses the military means to defend itself. Remove the relentless Zionist campaign to vilify Islam and Muslims and promote a war between civilizations from this equation, then whatever problems left in the relationship between the Muslims and the West become surmountable.

The Western goals in the Islamic World

What does the West want from Islam and Muslims? The West led by the United States of America, the United Kingdom and like minded Western governments, view the relationships between the West and the Islamic World as revolving around Israel; and as subservient to the West’s economic, political and military interests. The quality and equality of discourse between the two camps is lacking, if not completely absent.

The discerned Western goals in the Islamic world show total disregard and disrespect for human dignity and worth of Muslims. The Western objectives in the Islamic World can be summarized as follows: to establish, maintain, and support Israel as a regional military, technological and economic power on one of Islam’s most sacred lands; to control and maintain the flow, production, servicing and marketing of oil; to recycle the petrodollars in Western bank accounts for the purchase of obsolete military hardware, the supply of consumer goods and tools for police oppression and torture; and to deny Muslim countries technological transfer and knowledge to develop their economies. The undeclared goal is to create, maintain and support authoritarian regimes in the Muslim world that are willing to do the West’s bidding for them, thus allowing the West to claim the moral high ground. The inept and corrupt Arab/Muslim regimes are willing allies in this unequal partnership. The regimes are enthusiastic to accommodate the West in order to maintain their grip on power, to enrich themselves by stealing the national wealth, and to blunt any meaningful political and economic development in their societies. The Muslim World, with a few exceptions, is plagued with absolute regimes that are a clear manifestation of the feudal past and not of Islamic principles or modern developments in state building. The great majority of Muslims view the unfolding events before their lives as a stage where their leaders are the puppets and the West is the puppet master. Both the West and Muslim regimes consider any advances that might lead to provide a dignified environment for the improvement in the fortunes of the Muslims a threat to this arrangements. To the regimes, accommodating the West becomes its top priority. Once again, if one is to remove the Israeli factor from this equation, both the regimes and Western governments will be hard pressed to justify continuing with business as usual on the other levels. The Israeli factor gives the regimes an excuse to explain to their masses why the Muslim countries are unable to manage a coherent plan to free the Muslims from foreign domination and dependency, economic backwardness, and inept, corrupt and oppressive regimes. Even when the faith of Islam, the most prized possession a Muslim has, and the land of Islam are attacked and the blood of Muslims is shed in cold blood, the regimes act with indifference mitigating their failure to the need to confront Israel. Left to their limited resources, Muslim individuals and civil societies fail to fill the vacuum and often end up adopting haphazard and counterproductive policies and actions. These abnormal conditions ultimately lead, without being apologetic, to a few Muslim individuals resorting to violence.

Muslims are aware of their predicament with the West and their leaders and are acutely conscious of the fact that they are under attack. Their high degree of despair is derived from very basic elements: Muslims are not involved, in any meaningful way, in their political processes nor are they permitted by their regimes and their Western supporters to defend themselves. Muslims feel vulnerable and under attack by both their governments and the West. The average Muslim is intensely cognizant of the hypocrisy of the West: Israel possesses nuclear, biological and chemical weapons; Israel regularly invades, kills, destroys, assassinates, ethnically cleanses Muslims and commits the most deplorable practices against innocent civilians under its military control and in neighboring countries; the US, UK and others in the West, using false pretenses, occupy an entire Muslim country, kill and maim thousands of innocent people, and destroy entire neighborhoods and cities; the West discriminates against Muslims, imprisons, tortures, suspends basic rights and farms prisoners out to be mistreated; the West idly watches the regimes blunder the national wealth of the Muslims on meaningless projects and the acquisition of obsolete military hardware and tools of oppression and torture; the West participates actively to abort any and all attempts at opening the political process in Muslim countries as in the most recent cases in Algeria, Pakistan and Palestine; and the West encourages and participates in violating the basic rights of Muslims in their homelands by their puppet regimes. Just imagine if Osama bin Laden was permitted by the government of Saudi Arabia to stay in his homeland and to be involved in the political process. What would Ayman Al Zwahiri have done if he was not tortured by the brutal Egyptian security apparatus, allowed to express his views openly and peaceably, and authorized to participate freely in the political process? Would the attacks of September 11 have taken place?

The average Muslim considers the West as having neither decency nor any sense of shame! It practices terror and speaks of peace; it kills and preaches life; it destroys and talks of building; it discriminates and advocates tolerance; it wages war and promotes harmony; it deceives and promotes accountability; it talks of nuclear disarmament and stockpiles weapons of mass destruction; and it speaks of restraint and stands by allowing the killing fields of innocent civilians in Lebanon, Iraq, and Palestine. What is worse, the West supplies Israel with submarines and aircrafts that are capable of launching nuclear warheads, unhindered access to the West’s technology and economic markets, and billions of dollars in grants. As in the case of Israel, the Western campaign against Muslims is based on a pack of lies. Both Israel and the West appear to cherish this behavioral affinity. It seems safe to conclude that the West is no longer Eurocentric. Instead, the West has rapidly moved on a fast track to becoming Israelcentric: the interest of Israel as an exclusive Jewish state and the Sparta of the Middle East is at the core of everything Western. Zionism, the political ideology that governs Israel and dictates its nature, structure and practices is a significant contributing factor in the emerging clash between Islam and the West. Western support for Israel and its Zionist ideology is poisoning the relations between the two camps and will continue to split them apart. The political ideology of Zionism has been deliberately confused and intermingled with the Jewish faith. This deliberate fabrication is discouraging serious examination of this political ideology for fear of being labeled "anti-Semitic". What is Zionism? Is Zionism Judaism?

A brief examination of Zionism

Israel was established in 1948 by a European political, settler and colonial movement called Zionism. After a prolonged debate that targeted, among others, Argentina and Uganda, the Zionists settled on the territory of Palestine as a homeland for the Jews. Zionism shares its geographical origins with other European colonial settler experiments. It also holds in common racial advocacies and practices. Zionism is based on the following:

  1. Jews and non-Jews are inherently incapable of coexisting in harmony. Gentiles are incurably anti-Jewish.
  2. Jews must colonize a non-European piece of land and create on it an exclusive homeland for the Jews.
  3. Non-Jews must either be cleansed from the Jewish state or be kept apart from the Jewish settlers by legal, physical and psychological walls of separation.
  4. The Jewish state will require the support and backing of a great power until the exclusive Jewish state is able to relocate all Jews in it and to develop its own economic, technological and military capabilities.

The colonization of Palestine was organized and implemented by European Zionists. At the beginning, the Zionist ideology concerned itself with the question of European Jews. Vladimir Jabotinsky described the Zionists as European Jews who have nothing in common with the Orient where "everything is doomed".(1) European Zionists claimed that European Jews were superior to the Oriental ones. Israel’s former Foreign Minister, Abba Eban, said, "The spiritual and intellectual status of these Jews (Oriental) is so low that an immigration en masse would lower the general cultural standards of the (European) Jews in Palestine and would be bad from several points of view".(2)

David Ben Gurion, the first Israeli Prime Minister, clearly stated, "Israel is only geographically in the Middle East but not of it".(3) In fact, Moshe Dayan, the late Israeli war hero, suggested that the Oriental Jews are Israel’s future problem.(4) The Zionists only turned their attention to attract Oriental Jews in Palestine after their plans to relocate all American and European Jews failed. Once the Zionists finished the dismantling of the oldest Jewish community in the Orient, by all means including force(5), they directed their attention and energies toward the Jewish community of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union to meet Israeli needs for settlers, manpower and military strength. Although the presence of Jews in America is essential to guarantee continued American unconditional support and backing for Israel, the Zionists often complain loudly about the slow pace of American Jewish immigration to Israel. The Zionist State, eventually, strives to settle all Jews in Palestine.

The Zionists view Jews, regardless of their culture, religious practices and geographical origins, as one nation. As a nation, Jews are relocated to Israel form other countries and those who remain outside of it are considered an extension of the state of Israel.

The Zionists worked systematically to uproot the Palestinians and to destroy the material evidence of their physical and cultural existence in Palestine. The evidence that could not have been destroyed by the Zionists, like Palestinian folkloric dances, dresses and national dishes, was expropriated by Israel as its own. The Palestinian people were denied their right to their homeland and to their political identity as a people. They were refused their basic rights and fundamental freedoms. Palestinian properties, villages and cities have been destroyed, occupied and expropriated. The uprooted Palestinian refugees have been refused their right to return to their homeland. Yet, Israeli law permits Jews, regardless of their birthplace, to relocate to Israel and settle on land that was confiscated from Palestinians. Land expropriated by Israel from Palestinians, is held, according to Israeli law, for the exclusive use and benefit of Jews.

Palestinian citizens of Israel are not considered nationals. Although Palestinians are taxed the same as Jews, they are not entitled to the same rights and privileges. By law, Palestinians are not entitled to question the Zionist character of the state or to settle in Jewish settlements. Palestinians are subjected to military rule, inferior governmental services and reduced financial allocations, and treated as security suspects. Bertrand Russell said, "We are frequently told that we must sympathize with Israel because of the suffering of the Jews in Europe at the hands of the Nazis…. What is Israel is doing today cannot be condoned, and to invoke the horror of the past to justify those of the present is gross hypocrisy…. How much longer is the world willing to allow this spectacle of wanton cruelty?".(6)

Not only does Israel condemn a vast number of refugees to misery; not only are many Arabs(Christians and Muslims) under occupation condemned to military rule; but also Israel condemns some Arab/Muslim countries, only recently emerging from colonial status, to continuing impoverishment as the military situation demands take precedence over national development. Why would some regimes in the region like Syria, Egypt, and Iran adopt a strategy to arm themselves and to pursue non-conventional weapons if it was not for Israel developing, testing and acquiring the same? How can the West continue to insist that Iran abandon its nuclear ambition while ignoring Israel’s highly advanced nuclear program and its large stockpile of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons?

In order for the Zionists to establish an exclusive Jewish homeland in Palestine, certain elements have to be met: Jews have to be uprooted from their various homelands; the natives have to be evicted; and new laws have to be created to protect the exclusive nature of the state from the aspirations of the non-Jews for equality and fundamental freedoms.

The denial of equality and basic freedoms of people, based on biological, national, cultural, and political considerations, is racism. Racism is oppressive in nature and is achieved by violent means. Racism is a Western product imported to Palestine by European Jewish colonists. Moshe Dayan said, "In front of their (the Palestinians) eyes, we are taking possession of the land, villages in which they and their forbearers have dwelled".(7) On another occasion, the late Dayan stated, "There is not a single Jewish village in this country (Israel) that has not been built on the site of an Arab village". (8) The late General Dayan is considered one of the founding fathers of Israel and served it at the highest position of government. What Dayan failed to mention in his speech is the racist policies and violent practices employed by Israel to dispossess the Palestinian people. This situation has identical similarities with the US campaign against its indigenous people and the White settlers in South Africa.

With all of the documented facts readily available and clearly showing the violent and racist character of Israel, the West keeps up with the lies that the Zionist state is the only democracy in the region and is the victim of Muslim violence. Until recently, Apartheid South Africa was also considered by the West to be the only democracy in Africa and the victims of violent "savage" Africans. Fabricating history, falsifying the facts, spreading lies and actively causing human carnage is the ultimate of savagery and is being practiced by the West!

What does Islam say about these times?

Approximately 1,400 years ago, Prophet Muhammad, was inspired to predict the present international conditions. He described accurately the pathetic international situations in which we live today:

People will pass through illusionary years in which liars will be believed and the truth sayers will be disbelieved; the trustworthy will not be trusted and the dishonest will be trusted; and the foolish will speak for humankind.(9)

Muhammad goes on to describe further the sad conditions of the Muslims of today:

Non Muslim countries will gang on you as would wild beasts on its catch. The Prophet was asked: "Are Muslims then a few?" The Prophet answered: No you will be so many but like foam on the surface of a running river. God will erase the fear of you from the hearts of your opponents and will instill in your hearts the love of this life.(10)

Has the Prophet of Islam predicted the international situation and the conditions of the Muslims of today? The answer is unequivocally yes! Otherwise, how can one describe the overwhelming public support for the lies and deception of President Bush, Premier Blair and others regarding Iraq? What can one call the shameful reaction of Muslim leaders to the destruction and bloodbath in Lebanon, Iraq, and Palestine? The love of this life and its material trappings has blinded the majority of Westerners to the manipulations of their governments and the great majority of Muslims to their miserable conditions. Today, the majority of Muslims find themselves condemned to live on the margins of the international order. The few Muslims that refuse to live for materialism have been forced to live as outlaws in a hopeless and helpless situation. To them, the belief has set in that it is the destiny of Muslims to confront the notion of the world according to the neoconservatives. To this small group the choice is clear: either the triumph of their version of Islamic values or the triumph of the values of the neoconservatives. It is not accidental that the neoconservatives believe in the same proposition. Once again, Prophet Mohammad describes this period as a sign of the end of time when he said:

Muslims will follow and imitate the ways of the Jewish and Christian nations era by era, inch by inch and yard by yard even if they are to enter the hole of a lizard.(11)

In another instance, the Prophet describes the role, perhaps that of the neoconservatives, of those who are actively campaigning for Armageddon and how they attain significance. He said:

There will be trials and tribulations, the person who shuns them will be better than the person who finds himself/herself in them; the person who finds himself/herself in them is better than the person who is in engaged in them; and the person who is in engaged in them is better than the person who is actively agitating for them. Those who promote mischief will be courted. Whoever finds shelter should seek refuge in it.(12)

In a somber reminder and a grave warning, the Prophet advises us that the unscrupulous practices will hasten the end of mankind on earth. He proscribed, on several occasions, the conditions which may forecast and bring about this eventuality. He said:

Life on earth will come to an end when the killer does not know why he/she murders and why a victim is being slaughtered. Killing for the sake of killing becomes the norm.(13)

The end of life on earth comes to an end when useful knowledge diminishes; greed and stinginess prevail; trials and tribulations raise; and killing for the sake of murder increases.(14)

Sign of the end of life on earth: dark of trials and tribulations as the darkest of nights in which a believer in the morning turns into a disbeliever in the evening; a disbeliever in the evening rolls into a believer in the morning; the person who shuns them will be better than the person who finds himself/herself in them; the person who finds himself/herself in them is better than the person who is in engaged in them; and the person who is in engaged in them is better than the person who is actively agitating for them. At this stage, what is the use of weapons? Destroy all arms and equipments and be prepared to be at your finest like the best of Adam’s children.(15)

The end of life on earth takes place when two great powers will involve in war. As a result, a great slaughter will take place among them. The irony is that their interests are one and the same.(16)

The senseless killing, utter destruction, lies, deceit and deceptions that are taking place in our world today could be the signs that the Prophet speaks about. Isn’t the blood bath in Iraq "killing for the sake of killing"? Isn’t the murder of approximately 1000 Lebanese civilians, hundreds of unreported Palestinians, 80 students in Pakistan, the list goes on and on, "killing for the sake of killing"?

What do the Muslims want?

Muslims are divided into two camps: the few who, consisting of governments, their tools of oppression, government profiteers and their propaganda machine, believe in the status quo; and the absolute majority of ordinary Muslims who strive for peaceful change. As described earlier, the few consider any meaningful change a direct threat to their survival and continued pilfering. Unfortunately, the history of these regimes and their patrons precludes an orderly and peaceful change that will allow political participation, transparency and accountability. Fortunately, the idea of participation by the people, instituting transparent governmental procedures, and holding government officials accountable to the role of the majority is not alien to Islam and Muslims. These lofty political ideals are Islamic and were practiced by Muslims long before they became the normal practices of governments in the West.

The great majority of ordinary Muslims aspire to liberate their lands from foreign colonialism and its manifestations. Muslims, who share a unifying way of life, seek to establish an integrated modern country that provides for and respects a dignified way of life for Muslims and non-Muslims regardless of ethnicity and place of origin. Muslims look for the day when their resources are employed locally to improve the fortunes of all in accordance with the Islamic principles of justice. Muslims strive to establish a unified peaceful entity that protects and defends its citizens from oppression, aggression and foreign hegemony. Muslims want to be given the opportunity, once again, to excel, develop and contribute to the progress of sciences, medicine, literature and the arts. Muslims, as the case with European and Americans, ought to be given the chance to resume their interrupted history and to develop their own experience. What is wrong with a Muslim being able to travel or relocate from Pakistan to Saudi Arabia? Why shouldn’t the petrodollars be used to alleviate the sufferings of Muslims in Bangladesh or Somalia? Americans and Europeans, who share less in common among them than Muslims, are able to establish the United States of America and the European Union. Why should not the Muslims be capable to do the same, and yes if they so chose, establish the Islamic Caliphate? A development of this nature will insure that internal conflicts, albeit racial or religious, like the ones in Sudan, Iraq, Turkey, Afghanistan will be eliminated and the shameful treatment of Muslims will be reversed.

Muslims are not satisfied with their living conditions, the performance and practices of their governments and the diminishing role of Islam and Muslims on the world stage. To them, the way for salvation is to establish an inclusive integrated state with representative and accountable national and local governments. Islam teaches Muslims that change begins from within. Therefore, Muslims have to ponder their local conditions, the relations among Muslims, the role of Islam and Muslims in global affairs, and the way to preserve, protect and defend the interests of Islam and Muslims.

Until this goal is accomplished, the great majority of ordinary Muslims feel that they are called upon to shoulder their responsibilities in preserving, protecting and defending Islam as a way of life.

How should the Muslims react to the West?

As adherents of Islam, the last of the three monotheistic religions, Muslims are confronted with two choices that require careful preparation and coordinated action: diligent work by Muslim individuals and civil societies to end Muslim governments’ ineptness, corruption and oppression on the home front; and swift intervention to institute peaceful governmental and popular measures to confront this campaign. The Cultural war against Islam and Muslims will continue and intensify until and unless Muslims implement such measures and initiate and adopt policies that are conducive to change. In doing so, Muslims will be answering their calling by being engaged in Jihad. This Jihad requires peaceful means: giving up the love of materialism; searching, learning and understanding the true meaning of Islam; reaching out, teaching and preparing for change; and avoiding, at all cost, succumbing to temptations and self aggrandizement. All of this entails Sabr. Sabr is a world of great significance in Islam and means: to be patient; to understand; to withstand; to be resilient; to persevere; and to be deliberate. In short, a complete way of life that develops in a Muslim, an innate compass to do what is right and to avoid what is wrong. Changing the status quo of Muslims to the better is the essence of what Islam is all about, and refraining from changing the conditions of Muslims is the ultimate wrong.

Realizing that the world keeps spinning, Muslims are encouraged to take steps to better explain their faith to non-Muslims. By appealing to reason, being involved in education and dialogue, Muslims will be taking the higher ground. This is in no way suggests that Muslims should not be concerned, muted or refrain from acting loudly and clearly in the defense of their faith and their historical heroes. But, in taking the higher ground, Muslims will be engaged in a personal Jihad to forestall, and hopefully eliminate, the rush for a war between civilizations. The Qur’an states:

You who believe, act patient, discipline yourselves, and hold yourselves ready!.(17)

Muslims are called upon to communicate with those interested from other cultures what Islam is and what Islam is not. They should not leave it to others to define what Islam is and whether Muslims fit the bill. Certainly, non-Muslims should not be allowed to falsify and misinterpret Islamic history or to explain our hopes and aspirations. Everything in Islam should be clearly articulated in coherent ways. Instead of being apologetic, Muslims should be secure in their faith, history, accomplishments and future aspirations.

Islam as explained in The Qur’an and the Sunnah of the Prophet is a divine way of life that is held dear by Muslims. This way of life is peaceful in character, inclusive in nature, logical in discourse, and universal in message. Non Muslims are viewed and treated justly and in total equality. Unlike the history of Western discourse, Islam spread through the lands via the good behavior and moral character of its adherents. When threatened or attacked, Muslims acted to defend themselves and to eliminate existing and future acts of aggression. Muslims have not committed the sort of heinous crimes associated with the rest. Muslims should cherish their past accomplishments in the fields of spirituality, mathematics, astronomy, medicine, philosophy, literature, navigation, geography and other areas of human endeavors. More importantly, Muslims should look forward to building on these accomplishments to contribute to the uplifting of the whole of humankind and to protect our universe.

Should Muslims be obliged to explain themselves to non-Muslims? Yes, Muslims are ordered by God to explain who they are and what they stand for by peaceful and respectful ways. Discourse between cultures and individuals should be done in a factual and considerate manner. Muslims should not feel compelled to change in order to suit the whims and/or standards of others. Islam’s position on major concepts or issues should be clearly spelled out. For example, who is God?; does Islam call for the forceful conversion of others?; does Islam recognize some Jews and Christians as believers?; how is a believer defined in Islam?; is Islam inclusive and just to non-Muslims? Below is a cursory answers to these questions:

Who is God?

Unlike the other two monotheistic religions, Islam recognizes and respects Judaism and Christianity. To Muslims, both the God of The Old Testament and The Qur’an are the same! The noun God in English is the same as Allah in Arabic. Also, Islam shares the prophets of the Old Testament and its basic tenants. The Qur’an reveals 99 attributes to God. A few examples are mentioned below.

God defines Himself in The Qur’an as follows:

"God! There is no deity except Him, the Living, the Eternal! Slumber does not overtake Him, nor does sleep. What the Heavens hold and what Earth holds belongs to Him. Who is there to intercede with Him except by His permission? He knows what lies before them and what’s behind them, while they embrace nothing of His knowledge except whatever He may wish. His Throne extends far over Heaven and earth; preserving them both does not overburden Him. He is the sublime, the Almighty!"(18)

"He is God, besides Whom there is no other deity: Knowing the Unseen and the Visible, He is the Mercy-giving, the Merciful! He is God, besides Whom there is no other god, the Sovereign, the Holy, the Source of Peace, the Compeller, the Magnificent: glory be to God ahead of anything they may associate with Him. He is God, the Creator, the Maker, and the Shaper. His are the Finest Names. Whatever is in Heaven and Earth celebrates Him. He is the Powerful, the Wise." (19)

"Say: ‘God is Unique! God is the Source for everything; He has not fathered anyone nor was He fathered, and there is nothing comparable to Him!’" (20)

The above are just a few examples of how God defines Himself in The Qur’an.

Does Islam calls for the forceful conversion of others?

Islam does not call for the forceful conversion of others. I slam clearly recognize and respect non-Muslims. While some Christians and Jews are actively and systematically attacking the faith, Islam forbids Muslims to do the same. While Islam encourages discussions among the peoples of the book, it forecloses on the forceful conversion of non-Muslims. The Qur’an says:

"Say: ‘O disbelievers! I do not serve what you serve nor are you serving what I serve! I will not worship what you have worshipped, neither will you worship what I worship. You have you religion while I have my religion.’" (21)

"There should be no compulsion in religion. Normal behavior stands out clearly from error; so anyone who rejects the Arrogant ones and believes in God has grasped the Firmest Handle which will never break. God is Alert, Aware." (22)

Does Islam recognize Jews and Christians as believers?

Yes, Islam recognizes some Jews and Christians as believers. The Qur’an clearly states that God will decide the future of believers and their rewards. The Qur’an says:

Some people of the Book [Jews and Christians] do believe in God and what has been sent down to you and what has been sent down to them, acting reverently towards God. They do not sell God’s signs for a paltry price: those will receive their wages from their Lord; God is prompt in reckoning!(23)

How is a believer defined in Islam?

Believers, in Islam, are not narrowly defined as Muslims or non-Muslims; men or women; black or white; rich or poor. It is a definition driven by deeds and based on practices. The Qur’an defines believers as those who:

  1. Do not associate any deity with God. He is the One Who has placed you as overlords on earth and raised some of you higher than others in ranks so He may test you by means of what He has given you. Worship nothing except Him.
  2. Show kindness towards your parents. Protect them and speak to them in a generous fashion. Never scold them or say naughty things to them. Ask God to grant them mercy just as they cared for me when I was a child.
  3. Do not squander, be extravagant or spendthrift. Render assistance to close relatives, the poor and the wayfarer.
  4. Do not kill your children because of poverty. Killing them is a serious blunder!
  5. Do not indulge in shocking immoral acts openly or secretly.
  6. Do not kill any person whom God has forbidden, except through due process of law.
  7. Do not approach an orphan’s estate before he comes of age unless it is to improve it.
  8. Grant full measure and weight in all fairness in your dealings. Whenever you measure anything, give full measure and weigh with honest scales.
  9. Do not worry over something that you have no knowledge about.
  10. Do not prance saucily around the earth. Speak, act, live, and practice modesty
  11. Be just whenever you speak even if against one’s self or own relatives.
  12. Fulfill God’s agreements/contracts in dealing with others.
  13. Follow God’s straight path as described in The Qur’an and practiced by his prophets.

Is Islam inclusive and fair to non-Muslims?

Unlike the negative attitudes of some Jews and Christians, Islam recognizes and accepts Judaism and Christianity as legitimate and valid religions. Both Jews and Christians are called People of the Book. This means that they are entitled to unfettered rights to practice their religious affairs. The social, economic, political and legal systems of Islam accord them access and involvement on equal footings. The only areas where non-Muslims are treated differently are in the fields of taxes and military service. Non-Muslims are not required to pay Zakah that is imposed on Muslims and are exempted from military service in return for paying a certain tax. The Qur’an reveals verses that are clearly specific to Muslims and others dealing with humans in general. The specific verses deal with particular instances of significant importance to Muslims and/or explain certain commands and obligations to them. General verses deal with universal moral injunctions and expected methods of discourse between various cultures and groups of people. Some examples of both kinds of verses are as follows:

Specific Verses:

You who believe, fulfill any contracts [you may make]. Any animals from livestock are permitted you except for what has been already been listed for you. What is not permitted you is game while you are in pilgrim dress. God judges anything He wishes.(24)

Today wholesome things are [made] lawful for you, and so is the food of those who are given the Book lawful for you, while your food is lawful for them. And believing matrons [are lawful to marry] as well as matrons from among those who were given the Book before you, once you have given them their marriage-portions and taken them in wedlock respectably, not seeking any thrills nor taking [them on as] mistresses. Anyone who rejects faith [will find] his action will miscarry, while be one who will lose out in the Hereafter.(25)

You who believe, whenever you intend to pray, wash your faces and your hands up to the elbows, and wipe your heads and [wash] your feet up to the ankles. If you are ritually soiled, then take a full bath. If you are ill or on a journey, or one of you has just come from the toilet or had contact with any women, and you do not find any water, then resort to wholesome soil and wipe your faces and hands off with some of it. God does not want to place any inconvenience on you, but He does want to purify you and to complete His favor towards you, in order that you (all) may act grateful. (26)

You who believe, act steadfast towards God, as witnesses for fairplay, and do not let ill-will toward any folk incriminate you so that you swerve from dealing justly. Be just: that is nearest to heedfulness; and heed God [alone]. God is informed about anything you do.(27)

Game from the sea is lawful for you; eating means provision for you as well as for travelers. Game from land is forbidden you so long as you are under taboo [on Pilgrimage]. Heed God, before Whom you will be summoned.(28)

How awful [will it be] for every backbiting slanderer who hoards wealth and keeps on adding to it!(29)

You who believe, do not use up your wealth idly, [squandering it] on one another, unless it is for some business based on mutual consent among you.(30)

General Verses:

We have sent down the Torah containing guidance and Light. The prophets who were committed to [live in] peace judge those who were Jews by means of it, and [so do] the rabbis and scholars, because of what they sought to observe from God’s book. They have even acted as witnesses for it. So do not dread mankind, and dread Me; do not buy up My signs for a paltry price. Those who do not judge by what God has sent down are disbelievers! There We prescribed for them a life for a life, an eye for an eye, a nose for a nose, an ear for an ear, a tooth for a tooth, and wounds should have [similar] compensation. Yet anyone who treats it as charity, [will find] it serves as an atonement for him. Those do not judge by what God has sent down are wrongdoers.(31)

Those who have been wronged are permitted to fight back- since God is able to support them- any who have been driven from their homes unjustly, merely because they say: "our Lord is God [Alone]." If it were not because God repels some men by means of others, cloisters, churches, synagogues and mosques where God’s name is mentioned frequently would have been demolished. God supports anyone who supports Him- God is Strong, Powerful.(32)

Say: "People of the Book, [let us] rally to a common formula to be binding on both of us and you, that we shall worship only God [Alone] and associate nothing else with Him, nor shall any of us take on others as lords instead of God." If they should turn away, then say: "Bear witness that we are Muslims."(33)

People of the Book, why do you argue about Abraham when the Torah and the Gospel were not sent down until after him? Do you not use your reason? There you go, arguing on about someone you (actually) have some knowledge about! Yet why do you (then) argue about something you have no knowledge about? God knows while you do not know. Abraham was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but he was a Seeker [after Truth], a Muslim; he was no associator [of others with God].(34)

Yet they are not [all alike: some People of the Book from an upright community; they recite God’s verses through the small hours of the night as they bow down on their knees. They believe in God and the Last Day; they command decency and forbid dishonor, and compete in doing good deeds. Those are honorable men; any good they do will never be denied them. God is Aware of the heedful.(35)

We sent Noah and Abraham, and granted prophethood and the Book to the offsprings of them both. Some of them have accepted guidance while many of them have been immoral. Then We made Our messengers follow along in their footsteps and We followed them up with Jesus the son of Mary. We gave him the Gospel and placed compassion and mercy in the hearts of those who have followed him, as well as monkhood; yet they initiated: We did not prescribe it for them- except through (their) aspiring for God’s approval. They do not observe it in the way it should be observed. We gave their earnings to those of them who believe; yet many of them are immoral.(36)

Do not argue with the People of the Book unless it is in the polite manner; except for those of them who do wrong. Say: "We believe in what has been sent down to us and what has been sent down to you. Our God and your God is [the Same] One, and we are committed to [observe] peace before Him.(37)

Steps to be taken to establish the Union of Islamic States

Explaining Islam and articulating the just and peaceful message of it should be accompanied with concrete steps to establish a unified modern Islamic state. Failing to accomplish this task in an era where regional political arrangements are emerging is inexcusable and can not be justified. Resorting, by some Muslim leaders and scholars, to worn out ideas to justify and/or delay the achievement of Islamic unity are in and by themselves harmful to the cause of Islam and Muslims. Muslims are called upon to and expected to adopt and adapt useful systems for the advancement of the goals of Islam and Muslims. Muslims need and deserve to occupy their proper place on the world stage. Whether by incorporating useful methods, systems and experiences, Muslims will be able to tailor their own system to fit their own needs and peculiarities. The successful political experiments of The United States and Europe are worth examining and, where possible, emulating.

The current "Islamic" political system has failed to gain and maintain independence from foreign intervention, attacks and occupation. The same "Islamic" political system has failed to propel the Islamic nation to its proper place on the world stage, deter Israel’s naked aggression against the national interest, end foreign military presence and check their political interference in Islamic affairs and quell inter-Islamic quarrels. In short, the current "Islamic" political system does not function and when it does, it works to impose conditions that are contrary to the aspirations of the Islamic nation for de-colonization, independence, dignity, accountability and development. The creation of a new political system is a must and reflects Muslim aspirations.

To date, the current "Muslim" regimes backed by active foreign involvement and support have accomplished: total disregard for Muslim inalienable rights and aspirations; discrimination, caging and gagging of most citizens; starving and killing of Muslim men, women, and children; total disregard of Muslim’s right to participate in the political process; attacks on personal dignity, religious beliefs and cultural heritage; mismanagement of national resources and the decline in the Muslim standard of living; hopelessness, ineptness and foreign control of official Muslim decision-making; foreign occupation of Muslim lands and the desecration of Islam’s sacred places; the subservience of the Islamic national interest to foreign control and constant interference; the emergence of Israel, in the heart of the Islamic world, as an economic, nuclear, chemical, biological and conventional military power; and the West’s total disregard to the Islamic national interest.

The failure of the current "Islamic" political system cries out for drastic changes to stop the slide in the fortunes of Muslims on the national and international stage. The current "Islamic" political system must be revamped taking into consideration the wealth of the human experiences. In the past, Muslims incorporated the experience and knowledge of other cultures in building Islamic institutions and developing know-how. The changes in current "Muslim" political systems must reflect Islamic national imperatives and be designed to accomplish a united, dynamic, and modern Islamic state. The future modern Islamic State must work swiftly to bring about a reversal in the decline of the position of Islam and Muslims on the world stage and trigger drastic improvements in the living conditions of ordinary citizens.

The creation of a new single Islamic political system consisting of all current "Islamic" states based on universal democratic principles will, certainly, unleash positive energies to add to the world’s political experience and accomplishment. Also, it will provide the average Muslim with dignity, meaning and hope in place of despair, humiliation and contempt.

The International climate and the domestic challenges facing Muslims demand the creation of a single modern state through the systematic development of competent, just, viable, accountable and transparent institutions. The status quo is not acceptable to most Muslims and present generations look forward to the future when the Islamic World is established and functions in accordance with the basic Islamic concept of justice. Most Muslims aspire to work collectively and step by step, by non-violent means, to articulate specific demand for change. Demands of Muslims are universal in nature and attainable by peaceful means. The basic goals of Muslims could be separated into two distinct categories: Domestic and International.

On the Domestic level, Muslims aspire to achieve a political system that is democratically responsive and accountable to the will of the people. The wishes of the people must be articulated in a basic document that reflects their free will and protect their religious, political, civil, social and economic rights. People must be free to participate in the political process, to choose their representatives and hold them responsible for implementing the laws of the land. People should enjoy basic universal rights without fear or intimidation. The political and legal system must be separate, viable and independent. The press must be independent and free. Natural resources must be utilized for the development of a viable and just Islamic society. Foreign political interference must be halted and their military presence ended.

On the International level, Muslims seek to achieve a unified and coherent Islamic political, economic and military position in the defense of the national interest. The Islamic national interest must be defined by the will of the nation and should not be subjected to the interests of foreign powers, their interference or threats. The combined resources of the Islamic nation must be utilized for the development and maintenance of a viable and independent single state. This unified Islamic state can be established within one decade through the implementation of the following steps:

Current "Muslim" head of states, regardless of their accesses, meet within one year and resolve to create a single independent Islamic entity within ten years. Current leaders will continue in their positions, provided that they don’t seek foreign involvement, and form an Executive Council composed of all heads of state to run the affairs of the Islamic nation. Their decisions will be adopted by 2/3 vote. The Presidency of the Executive Council will be rotated every six months. Throughout this period, the Executive Council will be aided by Legislative Council composed of 5 members from each state regardless of size. The Executive Council shall appoint a cabinet to run the affairs of the new unified state. The Council shall employ a Secretariat of Experts, based on the merit, consisting of 5 members from each state to plan and prepare for the future policies, laws, and institutions of the emerging state. The Work of the Secretariat shall be presented to the Executive and Legislative Councils for action.

Both Councils, Executive and Legislative, shall be aided and supported by the research and planning of the Council of Experts. All decisions of the Council of Experts must be produced in two proposals containing the opinions of the majority and minority. All decisions made by the Executive, Legislative and the Council of Experts shall be adopted by a 2/3 vote. All adopted decisions are binding on all. Differences must be settled by a joint conference composed of equal members chosen by the Executive and Legislative Councils. Once the decisions are finalized, the drafts shall be put to a popular vote in every current country and shall become the law of the new unified state by a majority vote. The Cabinet must implement the adopted decisions of both Councils and the adopted law of the land. No Council is empowered to seek and/or engage the involvement of foreign powers in the work and development of this new unified entity.

Both Executive and Legislative Councils should, for the transitional period, maintain current domestic budgetary allocations and merge those budget items earmarked for military and foreign relations. The Councils should resolve to integrate and unify Islamic foreign policy within one year, military affairs within two years; Constitutional, Legal and Governmental institutions within four years; Economic, Budgetary and Monetary Affairs within four years. All Constitutional, Legal and Governmental Institutions must be approved by a popular vote within three years. Elections for the constitutionally created Legislative and Judicial branches must take place after five years, and after ten years for the Executive branch.

In association with this declaration, freedom of the press, expression, assembly, movement, organization and worship will be granted and protected. Basic human, political, economic and social rights of ordinary citizens will be respected and protected. A general Amnesty shall be declared for all excesses committed by governments or officials prior to this declaration. However, future ones shall be swiftly dealt with. Input and participation of the citizenry should be encouraged and channeled to formulate and create responsive policies, laws and institutions.

In creating a single Islamic entity, the present "Muslim" leaders will enhance their stature in history, the Islamic position on the world stage and fulfill God’s mission for this Nation. If the status quo is to continue, God and history will not be kind to those who stand in its way. History holds many examples to learn from and heed. The failure of the "Muslim" leaders to act will lead to despair, violent acts, further eroding of the "Islamic" position on the International scene and an increase in foreign interference in the national affairs of the Islamic nation.

This nation is endowed with a divine promise, a rich history and a legacy of accomplishments. Should Muslims succumb to the brutal attacks on their person, property and culture? Should they submit to the political, religious and economic designs of the West on the Islamic homeland, culture and resources? Are Muslims to develop and prosper or forever decline and diminish? Are Muslims to live in justice and peace or perish? Never before in the history of the Islamic nation have Muslims been confronted with this stark reality: either Muslims rise to the challenge and occupy their proper place among peoples and countries of the world or remain forever the laughing stock and whipping boy.

Change will begin from within and can take various ways and means. By starting with small steps like plowing and planting every available plot in the Islamic homeland, Muslims will feed everyone. By boycotting foreign goods and services, Muslims will give their producers and providers the chance to grow and to be involved in this process. By investing in inter-Islamic projects, Muslims be involved in the building of a unified future. By spending in Islamic markets, Muslims will commit their resources to the development of the new society. By planning and launching programs to help each other, Muslims will decrease their dependence on existing governmental services. The government can’t force a doctor to charge a fee for treating a patient. The students of Indonesia, the Philippine, Iran, the USA, France and many others brought down mighty governments and fundamental changes in policies. Why can’t Muslim students accomplish the same? By refusing to pay government’s bills, charges, fees and taxes, Muslims will deny them a source of income to continue the status quo. By refusing to participate in official functions, Muslims will contribute in loosening and de-legitimizing their grip on power. Through small, peaceful and deliberate steps Muslims will be able to convince present "Muslim" leaders and their backers to opt for constructive change and the establishment of a unified Islamic state.


Islam recognizes and accepts the spiritual underpinning of Western Civilization. It sees itself as an integral part of this cultural edifice. Being part of the whole implies, while maintaining independence, all of the parts must complement and work in harmony with each other. An attack on or the rejection of one part, in this case Islam, is sufficient to throw the system off balance. Clearly, the talk about religious incompatibility and differences is a disguise to mask economic, political and military considerations.

The West must come to its senses and find a way to recognize and deal with Islam and Muslims other than through risk threat or balance sheet analysis. The undeniable contribution of Muslims to the past, the present and the future of Western Civilization should serve as a catalyst for mutually beneficial relations. Only by accepting the fact that Islam and Muslims have been, on the whole, a positive force in the development of the West, can the process of healing begin. By denying the role of Islam and the contribution of Muslims, the West is engaged in self denial and is in the process of demeaning both. Only by debasing Islam and Muslims is the West able to shrug off its responsibility for past sins and to justify its continued colonialism, exploitation and aggression against Muslims and others. Only when the West accepts total responsibility for transgressions against other civilizations can the process of constructive dialogue begin. By living up to its obligations, the West will be sending the right signals and taking the much needed steps in the creation of a new world order whereby other cultures and people are invited to participate on equal footings. To date, the West remains the dominate power and the only one at the table: Colonialism in new clothes.

Islam and Muslims have been yearning for a new world order based on justice to commence. Instead, the West has initiated yet a new campaign against Muslims, the Muslim World and Islam. Western abuses against Muslims continue unabated, the occupation of their land persists, the killing and destruction of their properties goes on, and the exploitation of their resources is undiminished. Muslims awareness of their conditions is heightened and they are undeterred by the lofty pronouncements emanating from the West. A reversal of course is urgently needed to stop and/or slow the slide towards a clash of civilizations. Important steps must be taken by the West to convince Muslims of the importance of constructive dialogue: Israel must be reformed, ala South Africa, and held accountable for its brutal practices, racist nature and stockpile of weapons of mass destructions; the complete withdrawal of foreign forces and bases from the Muslim World must take place; and support from and engagement with feudal and dictatorial "Muslim" regimes must cease in favor of the creation of an inclusive and an open political system.

The West must not fear reforms in the Muslim World. Islam and Muslims are capable to shepherd changes and are eager to begin the process. Their eagerness stems from the desire to establish cooperation and understanding between civilizations. They believe that change will generate respect for their humanity and a better future for our planet. Only then will the West be able to shed its nightmarish past and contribute to the establishment of a just world order and peace.


*The author Is the former Dean of The Jerusalem School for Law and Diplomacy. Currently, he is a professor of Government. He holds a Doctorate in International Law from the University of Miami at Coral Gables, Florida, USA. He is the author, co-author and editor of several books and articles on diverse topics of international and cultural affairs. He can be reached via e-mail at:




**The author uses this term to mean all citizens regardless of religion, culture and ethnicity who live in the Islamic World and share common heritage and aspirations for a united future and independence. In a future Islamic state, cultural minorities will be treated on equal footings with the majority. Their cultural peculiarities will be respected, protected and encouraged, thus eliminating calls for autonomy, independence or narrow nationalism.

***By using this term, the author does not mean to include the majority of the unsuspected people of the West. The majority of the Western people are as much the victims of the manipulation of their governments as are the Muslims. The term is intended to cover the role of the majority of Western Governments, anti-immigrants, conservative or fascist political parties and media outlets, entrenched Zionist and Jewish organizations, pro-Israel academics and cultural personalities, and Apocalyptic Christian Churches and clergy.

    1. Joseph Schechtman, Fighter and Prophet: The Vladimir Jabotinsky Story, The Last Years. (NY: Thomas Yoseloff, 1961), p.324.
    2. Quoted in R. Stevens and A. Elmissiri, Israel and South Africa. (new Brunswick, N.J.. North American, 1977), p. 19.
    3. Ohilip Sigal, "Reflections on Jewish Nationalism", Issues, Fall 1961, p. 21.
    4. Third World Reports, Vol. 5, No. 7, September 1974.
    5. For more information on Israeli Terrorism agains Jewish Communities in the Orient, see Alfred M. Lilienthal, The Zionist Connection: What Price Peace? (NY: Middle East Perspective, Inc. 1979).
    6. Alistair Cooke, Six Men. (New York: Knopf, 1977), p 180
    7. Uri Avnery, Israel Without Zionism. (New York: Collier Books, 1971), pp. 153-54
    8. Ha’aretz, April 4, 1969
    9. Abu Daoud, # 4397
    10. Ibn Majah, #1888
    11. Bukhari, #3456 and Muslim, #2669
    12. Bukhari, #2339.
    13. Muslim # 2908.
    14. Bukhari, #6388.
    15. Bukhari, #108622.
    16. Bukhari, #3608 and Muslim, #2888.
    17. The Qur’an, 3: 2000).
    18. Ibid, 2:255
    19. Ibid, 59:21-24
    20. Ibid, 112:1-4
    21. Ibid, 109: 1-6.
    22. Ibid, 2:256.
    23. Ibid, 2: 199.
    24. Ibid, 5: 1
    25. Ibid, 5: 5
    26. Ibid, 5: 6
    27. Ibid, 5: 8
    28. Ibid, 5: 96
    29. Ibid, 104: 1-2
    30. Ibid, 4: 29
    31. Ibid, 5: 44-5
    32. Ibid, 22: 30-40
    33. Ibid, 5: 64
    34. Ibid, 3: 65-7
    35. Ibid, 3: 113-5
    36. Ibid, 57: 27
    37. Ibid, 29: 46